Torterolo P, VaniniG. (2010). Nuevos conceptos sobre la generación y el mantenimiento de la vigilia. Revista de Neurología, 50 (12):747-758.
Torterolo P, Castro S, Falconi A, Lagos P (2010). Hormona Concentradora de Melanina (MCH): neuropéptido hipotalámico que facilita la generación del sueño. Revista Mexicana de Neurociencias, 11 (1): 46-51.
Lagos P, Urbanavicius J, Scorza MC Miraballes R, Torterolo P. (2011). Depressive-like profile induced by MCH microinjections into the dorsal raphe nucleus evaluated in the forced swim test. Behavioural Brain Research, 218(2):259-66.
Fung SJ, Xi M, Zhang J, Torterolo P, Sampogna S, Morales FR, Chase MH (2011). Projection neurons from the central nucleus of the amygdala to the nucleus pontis oralis. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 89 (3):429-36
Lagos P, Torterolo P, Jantos H, Monti JM (2011). Immunoneutralization of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) in the dorsal raphe nucleus: effects on sleep and wakefulness. Brain Research, 1369: 112-118.
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Ramos O, Torterolo P, Lim V, Chase MH, Sampogna S, Yamuy J (2011). The role of mesopontine NGF in sleep and wakefulness. Brain Research, 1413:9-23.
Torterolo P, Sampogna S, Chase MH (2011). A restricted parabrachial pontine region is active during non-REM sleep. Neuroscience, 190:184-196.
Torterolo P, Ramos O, Sampogna S, Chase MH (2011). Hypocretinergic neurons are activated in conjunction with goal-oriented survival-related motor behaviors. Physiology and Behavior 104:823-830.
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Quintela G, Bielli A, Torterolo P, Lagos P, Alzugaray S, Ungerfeld R (2012). Repeated collection of cerebrospinal fluid from the lumbosacral region of ewes. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 40 (1): 1018.
Benedetto L, Chase MH, Torterolo P (2012). GABAergic processes within the Median Preoptic Nucleus promote NREM sleep. Behavioural Brain Res, 232 (1): 60-65.
Lagos P, Monti JM, Jantos H, Torterolo P (2012). Microinjection of the melanin-concentrating hormone into the lateral basal forebrain increases REM sleep and reduces wakefulness in the rat. Life Science, 90:895-899
Torterolo P, Sampogna S, Chase M (2013). Hypocretinergic and non-hypocretinergic projections from the hypothalamus to the REM sleep executive area of the pons. Brain Research, 1491:68-77.
Benedetto L, Rodriguez-Servetti Z, Lagos P, D´Almeida V, Monti JM, Torterolo P. (2013). Microinjections of Melanin Concentrating Hormone into the lateral preoptic area promotes Non-REM sleep. Peptides, 39:11-15.
Monti JM, Torterolo P, Lagos P (2013). Melanin-concentrating hormone control of sleep-wake behavior. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 17:293-298
Castro S, Falconi A, Chase M, Torterolo P (2013). Coherent neocortical 40-Hz oscillations are not present during REM sleep. European Journal of Neuroscience, 37(8):1330-9.
Falconi A, Gutierrez M, Benedetto L, Abin-Carriquiri JA, Bracesco N, Torterolo P, (2013). Waking-promoting action of Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis). Sleep Science, 2013;6(1):9-15.
Cabrera G, Cavelli M, Lopez C, Rodriguez-Servetti S, Vanini G, Chase M, Falconi A, Torterolo P. (2013). Wakefulness-promoting role of the inferior colliculus. Behav Brain Res, 256: 82-94.
López-Hill X, Pascovich C, Urbanavicius J; Torterolo P, Scorza C (2013). The median raphe nucleus participates in the depressive-like behavior induced by MCH:differences with the dorsal raphe nucleus. Peptides, 50:96-99
Brando V, Castro S, Falconi A, Torterolo P, Migliaro E.R (2014). Statistical, spectral and non-linear analysis of the heart rate variability during wakefulness and sleep. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 152:32-46.
Torterolo P, Chase M (2014). The hypocretins (orexins) mediate the "phasic" components of REM sleep: a new hypothesis. Sleep Science, 7:19-29.
Urbanavicious J, Lagos P, Torterolo P, Scorza C (2014). Pro-depressive effect induced by microinjections of MCH into the dorsal raphe: time-course, dose-dependence, effects on anxiety-related behaviors and reversion by nortriptyline. Behavioral Pharmacology, 25 (4):316-324.
Torterolo P, Scorza C, Urbanavicius J, Devera A, Benedetto L, Pascovich C, Lagos P, Chase M, Monti J (2014). Avances en el estudio de la neurobiología de la depresión: rol de la Hormona Concentradora de Melanina. Revista Médica del Uruguay, 30 (2): 8-16.
Torterolo P, Falconi A, Benedetto L, Rodriguez-Haralambides A, Rufo C, Bracesco N (2014). Yerba Mate: efectos sobre la vigilia y el sueño. Anales de Facultad de Medicina, 1(1): 24-7.
Benedetto L, Pereira M, Ferreira A, Torterolo P (2014). Melanin-concentrating hormone in the medial preoptic area reduces active components of maternal behavior. Peptides, 58: 20-25.
Castro S, Cavelli M, Falconi A, Vollono P, Chase M, Torterolo P (2014). Inter-hemispheric coherence of neocortical gamma oscillations during sleep and wakefulness. Neuroscience letters, 578: 197-202.
Monti J, Lagos P, Jantos H, Torterolo P (2015). Increased REM sleep after intra-locus coeruleus nucleus microinjection of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) in the rat. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 56:185-188.
Devera A, Pascovich C, Lagos P, Falconi A, Sampogna A, Chase M, Torterolo P (2015). Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) modulates the activity of dorsal raphe neurons. Brain Research, 1598:114-128.
Cavelli M, Castro S, Schwarzkopf N, Chase M, Falconi A, Torterolo P (2015). Coherent neocortical gamma oscillations decrease during REM sleep in the rat. Behavioural Brain Research, 281:318-325.
Torterolo P, Castro S, Cavelli M, Velasquez N, Brando V, Chase MH, Falconi A, Migliaro E.R (2015). Heart rate variability during carbachol-induced REM sleep and cataplexy. Behavioural Brain Research, 291:72-79.
Dias A, Calegare B, Fernandes L, Costa A, Lagos P, Torterolo P, D'Almeida V. MCH levels in the CSF, brain preproMCH and MCHR1 gene expression during sleep deprivation, sleep rebound and sleep restriction (2015). Peptides, 74:9-15.
Torterolo P, Scorza C, Lagos P, Urbanavicius J, Benedetto L, Pascovich C, Lopez-Hill X, Chase M, Monti J. (2015). Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH): role in REM sleep and depression. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9:475.