Urbanavicious J, Lagos P, Torterolo P, Scorza C (2016). MCHergic projections to the dorsal raphe nucleus: an immunohistochemical and in vivo microdialysis study. J Chem Neuroanat., 72:16-24.
Torterolo P, Castro-Zaballa S, Cavelli M, Chase MH, Falconi A (2016). Neocortical 40 Hz oscillations during carbachol-induced REM sleep and cataplexy. Eur. J Neurosci. 43(4):580-9. .
Rivas M, Torterolo P, Ferreira A, Benedetto L (2016). Hypocretinergic system in the medial preoptic area promotes maternal behavior in lactating rats. Peptides, 81:9-14.
Monti JM, Torterolo P, Pandi-Perumal S. (2016). The Effects of Benzod¡azepine and Nonbenzodiazepine Agents,Ramelteon, Low-dose Doxepin, Suvorexant, and Selective Serotonin 5-HT2A Receptor Antagonists and lnverse Agonists on Sleep and Wakefulness. Clinical Medicine lnsights:Therapeutics, 8:29-36
Monti JM, Torterolo P, Pandi-Perumal S (2016). The effect of second generation antipsychotic drugs on sleep and wakefulness in schizophrenia patients. Sleep Medicine Reviews.
Calegare B, Costa A, Fernandes L, Dias A, Torterolo P, D'Almeida V (2016) Effect of subchronical treatment with Fluoxetine on melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) concentration in the CSF and preproMCH gene expression. Sleep Science, 9:82-93
Monti JM, Torterolo P, Jantos H, Lagos P (2016). Microinjection of melanin-concentrating hormone into the sublaterodorsal tegmental nucleus inhibits REM sleep in the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 630:6-9.
Monti JM, Torterolo P, Pandi-Perumal S (2017). The effect of second generation antipsychotic drugs on sleep and wakefulness in schizophrenia patients. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 33:51-57.
Cavelli M, Castro-Zaballa S, Mondino A, Gonzalez J, Falconi A, Torterolo P (2017). Absence of EEG gamma coherence in a local activated neocortical state: a conserved trait of REM sleep. Translational Brain Rhytmicity, 2 (1) 1-13.
Benedetto L, Rivas M, Cavelli M, Peña F, Monti J, Ferreira A, Torterolo P (2017). Microinjection of the dopamine D2-receptor antagonist Raclopride into the medial preoptic area reduces REM sleep in lactating dams. Neuroscience Letters, 659:104-109
Cavelli M, Rojas-Líbano D, Schwarzkopf N, Castro S, Gonzalez J, Mondino A, Santana N, Benedetto L, Falconi A, Torterolo P (2017). Power and coherence of cortical high frequency oscillations (HFO) during sleep and wakefulness. European Journal of Neuroscience, doi: 10.1111/ejn.13718.
Benedetto L, Rivas M, Pereira M, Ferreira A, Torterolo P (2017). Relationship between sleep-wakefulness states and nursing behavior in postpartum rats. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 155: (3):99-109.
Monti JM, Torterolo P, Spence DW, Pandi-Perumal S (2017). Selective serotonin 5-HT2A receptor antagonists and inverse agonists specifically promote slow wave (N3) sleep in man. Sleep and Vigilance. DOI 10.1007/s41782-017-0024-7
GonzálezJ, PrietoJP, RodríguezP, CavelliM, Benedetto L, Mondino A, PazosM, SeoaneG, CarreraI, ScorzaC, Torterolo P (2018). Ibogaine acute administration in rats promotes wakefulness, long-lasting REM sleep suppression and a distinctive motor profile. Frontiers in Pharmacology,9:374.
CostaA, Castro-ZaballaS, LagosP, ChaseM, Torterolo P (2018). Distribution of MCH-containing fibers in the feline brainstem: relevance for REM sleep regulation. Peptides 104: 50-61.
SchwarzkopfN, LagosP, FalconiA, ScorzaC, TorteroloP (2018). Caffeine as an adulterant of coca-paste seized samples: preclinical study on the rat sleep-wake cycle. Behavioural Pharmacology, 29(6):519-529.
CancliniMR, CanzaniMB, LunaMJ, RoyolMJ, RusiñolMC, VegaM, TorteroloP (2018) Parasomnias: puesta a punto. An Facultad Med (Univ Repúb Urug); 5(1):29-43.
Salas-Crisóstomo M, Torterolo P, Barciela Veras A, Barbosa Rocha N, Machado S, Murillo-Rodríguez E (2018). Therapeutic approaches for the management of sleep disorders in geriatric population. Current Medicinal Chemistry, DOI:10.2174/092986732566618090411311577.
Castro-Zaballa S, Cavelli M, Gonzalez J, Monti J, Falconi A, Torterolo P (2019). EEG dissociation induced by muscarinic receptor antagonists: coherent 40 Hz oscillations in a background of slow waves and spindles. Behavioural Brain Research, 359:28-37.
Castro-ZaballaS, Cavelli M, GonzalezJ, Nardi AE, Machado S, ScorzaC, Torterolo P (2019). EEG 40 Hz coherence decreases in REM sleep and ketamine model of psychosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry 9:766.
Mondino A, Cavelli M, González J, Santana N, Castro-Zaballa S, Mechoso B, Brascesco N, Fernandez S, Garcia-Carnelli C, Castro M, Umpierrez E, Murillo-Rodriguez E, Torterolo P, Falconi A (2019). Acute effect of vaporized Cannabis on sleep and electrocortical activity. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior,179:113-123.
Pascovich C, Lagos P, Urbanavicius J, Devera A, Rivas M, Costa A, López Hill X, Falconi A, Scorza C, Torterolo P (2020). Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) in the median raphe nucleus: Fibers, receptors and cellular effects. Clocks Sleep. 2020 Dec 9;2(4):536-556. doi: 10.3390/clockssleep2040039.
Costa A, Monti J, Torterolo P (2020). Hypocretin (orexin) immunoreactivity in the feline midbrain: Relevance for the generation of wakefulness. J Chem Neuroanat. 2020 Apr;105:101769. doi: 10.1016/j.jchemneu.2020.101769.
González J, Cavelli M, Mondino A, Rubido N, Bl Tort A, Torterolo P (2020). Communication Through Coherence by Means of Cross-frequency Coupling. Neuroscience. 2020 Nov 21;449:157-164. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.09.019
Mondino A, Cavelli M, González J, Osorio L, Castro-Zaballa S, Costa A, Vanini G, Torterolo P (2020). Power and Coherence in the EEG of the Rat: Impact of Behavioral States, Cortical Area, Lateralization and Light/Dark Phases. Clocks Sleep. 2020 Dec 9;2(4):536-556. doi: 10.3390/clockssleep2040039.